I will however be having regularly scheduled short posts to fill in the blankness and blankity-blankness of life so please, stay tuned folks.
When I return, there will be thorough goodness on companion planting and no-till gardening! Delicious!
I know that my latest posts have been of the the buggy nature rather than the plant-y one, so I will get back to my roots (pun very much intended)
Allow me to distract you with a plethora of ornamental peppers:
I am extremely idiotic when it comes to handling hot peppers though. I have a bad habit of rubbing my eyes all the time and as you can guess... yeah, ALWAYS burn my eyes when I handle peppers and I can't bring myself to wear gloves because REAL chili pepper lovers don't use gloves (*MANLY CHEST THUMP* here)!
This recent pepper foray led me to wash my hands 5 various times with dish soap after an initial vodka hand rinse (I read that vodka is good at getting oils off and can be used as a poison ivy treatment too). (I used the vodka to make a killer bloody mary btw).
Even after all that washing and vodka-ing (for Science, I say!) I still was getting some numbing burning in my eye.
CONCLUSION: Chili oil is a stubborn chemical to remove and should be utilized on