Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying...planning and dreaming...

...of some plants...

(to come my way or be in the area for reasonable price...)


-fuchsia (the edible kinds)
-bamboo (UPDATE: A nice reader gave me some plants! woot! Sis in law offering too, hurray!)
-luffah squash (EDIBLE, btw! Sad though because I can't grow it since I'm waiting a year to ride myself of borers...!)
-martynia (so cool looking on M.E.N.)
-winged beans

-every scented geranium ever (Dangit! Goodwin Creek is having a sale *sniffle*)
-ok, I take it back, everything on this Mother Earth News heirloom plants link 
-um, and  probably every herb from Richter's
-curry tree
-spicebush (delicious sounding!)
-sweet woodruff
-ranunculus (they're pretty spiffy looking and awesome sounding when it rolls around in your mouth) (UPDATE: Home Depot had a buy one bulbs package get 2nd free!  A friend was so kind to help indulge my bulb lust.  Blooms in June! *cross fingers!*)

-aconite (need something to break the blah-ness of winter)
-more daffodils! (My grandmother, when I was little gave me a tiny bottle of perfume, Diorissimo I think, that smelled like daffodils I thought.  I never used it as I don't like wearing perfume, but I loved to sniff it.  The perfume went missing one day and I've never encountered it since.  Daffodils also remind me of the Wordsworth poem, a favorite of mine) (UPDATE: more sis in law kindness!)

So, if anyone is aware of any of these plants just hanging around or being sold in the area or are in need of thinning, I'm here, waiting with bated breath and trowel to help out with some thinning or at least will know where I could eventually purchase these pretties!